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Instagram: What’s Working Part 6

Instagram What’s Working: Not Being Afraid to Sell (or Put Yourself Out There)

This is Part 6 of a 10-Part series. Find all the links here.

When it comes to Instagram, not letting fear get in the way is definitely a major hack. That said, it’s easier said than done for some of us. If this is something you struggle with as well, I hope peeling back the curtain and sharing my own personal experience makes it a little less so. In fact, I even have a little fear diving this deep on Instagram, but I hope it resonates. When it comes to selling and putting myself out there, I can honestly say it has completely changed my life.

Overcoming Fear by Coming From the Heart

As someone who is cheering you on, I cannot say this enough times: do not, I repeat: DO NOT be afraid to sell on Instagram or put yourself out there! If you are considering sharing or selling on the gram, something tells me that something within you wants more. Wants to share more, do more, help more, connect more, live more. And something also tells me that that there is a spark inside you for what you are doing. And if you truly believe in what you are doing, NOT sharing is actually doing a disservice to someone else!

People will often tell me that they don’t want to bother anyone by selling on Instagram. But think about it: Are you bothering someone by offering what they want? I cannot tell you how many times I got something on Instagram that I did not even know I wanted, HA! And if someone doesn’t want what you’re offering, that’s no biggy. You know what they say about peaches, right? Doesn’t matter if you’re the juiciest peach out there, some people just don’t like peaches. And that’s OK! Focus on who does want to pick up what you’re puttin’ down.

There is a frequency to everything. If you are called to share what you are creating, there is a reciprocal energy out there needing it. So, if you’re having a hard time overcoming that fear for yourself, consider that you’re doing it for someone else. And bring that heart energy into what you are creating and putting out there.

Because selling, owning a business, and sharing publicly *can* be heartfelt (and in my opinion, should be). When it comes from your heart, you can feel proud of putting it out there, regardless of the results (though I think you’ll be surprised at what that energy brings in).

Overcoming Resistance

I know this is easier said than done. When I first started sharing on social media, I felt SO awkward. And honestly, it was awkward. Oh and it was unusual for me. I wasn’t someone who regularly went on social media. Literally, I posted a photo of Matt and I once and one of my buddies from high school responded: “Am I high or did Maggie Hyde just post something on Facebook?” Ya, that’s how active I was on social media (I still don’t really use Facebook, mastering one app at a time over here). Matt still does not have any social media to this day. While some of our friends are beginning to join, most still do not and you bet your a$$ my friends and brother in law teased me about it endlessly. In a loving way of course, trust me I can dole it out too.

The point is that it was very strange for me and I think it’s strange for most people. If you feel that way, know you’re not alone. And when something feels strange (or awkward or new), we’ll naturally have resistance to it.

In fact, I still feel resistance when it comes to selling. I just try and show up in a way that does not feel icky for me. Because, oh yeah, I believe in what we are doing! I love growing things, designing with botanicals, and getting to know plants. And I like to think I attract cool people who feel this way too! So, I just try and be me, remember what excites me in the first place, and let go of some of that resistance. Laughing at myself helps too 🙂

And the truth is, if I am being completely honest: it’s actually changed my life. Below are two tiny examples of posts that I almost did NOT post because I was either feeling resistant to selling or afraid of putting myself out there. But I am SO glad I did and I’m pulling back the curtain on their results.

Not Being Afraid to Sell

Last season, after we had sold out of ‘Amazing Parrot’ tulip bulbs, I was able to scrounge up a few more from our supplier. I was just going to update the site, didn’t want to keep pushing things on Instagram. But then I thought to myself:

Maggie, no, just make a post about it. Someone may have really wanted this variety (I know I did, that’s why I got more because I gave too many away LOL). Oh, and who cares if no one cares or thinks you are weird, just one more post to scroll by. Also, everyone is way too busy in their own lives to honestly think about how weird you are, pinky swear.

P.S., this is what it’s like to be in my head.

Welp, that one post brought in *multiple* orders. One order *alone* totaled more than $950. This was one tiny, random, short post that I almost did not do (not a big launch or anything fancy). Not every post is a home run, but I hope by sharing this, it helps you see what’s possible!

Not Being Afraid to Put Yourself Out There

But it’s not just about selling something, it’s also about not being afraid to put yourself out there! Doing so can mean opportunities for your business that can lead to big, meaningful things in your life. A partnership with a brand (that’s how the Herbal Academy found me), a new florist and FRIEND (this is how I met Joc, super talented florist, who not only became a wholesale client, but also one of my best friends, and that’s priceless). Or any number of opportunities to sell your flowers!

When I first starting growing flowers, I had no idea how I was going to sell them (or what I was doing, honestly). We’re way out in the country, we don’t show up on GPS, and we were not sure we wanted to allow pickup on the farm. Oh and did I mention it was also 2020, the world was upside down and many people were totally freaked out? Yeah.

After agonizing for far too long, I sheepishly posted to Instagram asking if any businesses would be willing to be a pick-up location. Someone I bartended with in my early 20s (like 15 years prior) shared it with her mom’s friend who owned a coffee shop and always wanted to add flowers. She asked for my number and just like that, we got one location. And then two, and then three, and then eventually six different locations in our area, which we continue to deliver to each week for the last 5 seasons. And delivering to those locations have led us to so many other opportunities! I sometimes wonder: What if I never posted that?

Truthfully, I get a little nervous peeling back the curtain. It feels vulnerable, but I am taking my own advice in hopes that it resonates with you in some way. At the very least, if you have ever had the same resistance, I hope by sharing you know you are not alone and it excites you to try something out. I truly believe we are all channeling something magical into this world that has the potential to make all the difference for someone else. If reading this encouraged you to put yourself out there, and by putting yourself out there you had an impact on someone else’s life (and reciprocally your own in that interaction), that’s all I could ever hope for. CHEERS!

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