All listings are for one tuber. All tubers come from dahlias grown here on our farm in The Driftless Region of Wisconsin.
Tubers will ship in April, weather depending. Please note that due to e-commerce functionality, items in cart are not reserved until you complete checkout. We cannot combine shipping on separate orders, but we offer tiered shipping rates appropriate for the amount of tubers ordered (prices here). Prior to the sale, please review polices, terms, and conditions here. By purchasing, you agree to these terms.
Alysse Doty @alyssedoty
Gena Tigert
BLoomtique Farm, @bloomtiquefarm
Jessica Slapnicka
Bonnie Schubert
Paula Tomaszewski @CountryRoadsFlowerFarm
Hannah Kroll
Northwood homestead
Allison Dhabalt
She Blooms Flower Farm @shebloomsflowerfarm
Dianna Brevitt
Viktoria Bondaruk @byviktoria
Paula @Basketofflowersfarm
Heather Rose
Jennifer Lopez
Margaret Anderson @willowhill_florals
MOLLEE Alexander
Loran O'Rielly @notesfromroosterschapel
Amy Delaney
JulianNa Traxler
Samantha Wojnowiak
Nichole Smith
ellen Utley
Leora Tanzer
Jenny Rose
Sue Rosenfield rosenfield flowers
Amy C
Grace Holdridge
Laura Mitchell
Sarah Torkelson
Wende White
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